Hey everyone! Thank you so much for taking the time to pray with and for our team and everyone that we meet on the streets each week. Please be saying extra prayers during the holiday season as it is a very difficult time for many people especially those that are away from their families and living on the streets. I pray that each of you reading this has a very blessed holiday! Thanks again for your prayers!
Psalm 4:1
Answer me when I call to you, O my righteous God. Give me relief from my distress; be mercifulto me and hear my prayer.
-William was outside the church and asked for a blanket. He was just released from jail. He asks for prayer for a good girl to settle down with and a steady place to live. He also asks that we pray that he doesn’t fall back into his old ways
-James said that one of our team had already bought him a meal and prayed for him. It was a blessing to him because he hadn’t had that type of food in 2 years.
-Our friend Jake was opening doors for people at a store but was told by a guard that he had to stop. We prayed for blessings for Jake because he really wants to pass out toys for Christmas. We also prayed that God would soften the heart of the guard.
-A very sweet man named Robert was looking for things to recycle. He asked for prayer for a good move from housing to an apartment program that he applied for. We invited him to church.
-Dion was wrapped in a blanket. We gave him some food and he asked that we just keep him in prayers throughout the week.
-Tommy, a street pastor, was thankful for the food. We prayer for his ministry and he prayed for ours.
-Anthony took some food and asked that we pray for him to find housing.
-Our friend Jose asked that we continue to pray for his family.
-Will took some food and asked for prayer for his friends and family.
-Casey was thankful for the food and asked that we pray for him to find a place to live and also for the call into ministry that he feels is on his life. He also asked for prayer for his friends.
-Tamika wasn’t homeless but she likes to hang out with some of the homeless. She plays the guitar and sings. She is trying to make some money to attend college in Ohio. We prayed for her to be able to get the finances that she needs and that she will be focused and able to complete school when she gets there.
-A man with tattoos asked for prayer for good health.
-Robert was thankful for the food.
-Our friend Mike asked that we pray for our team and that we can continue to serve the people on the streets.
-Stopped by our friend Tony and gave him and his girlfriend some food. He asked for prayer for his trip back to Kansas City and that his family can forgive him.
-James Dennis joined in on our team praying out before going onto the streets.
-Sheron prayed for our team
-Frank and Adam asked for prayer for safe travels and for protection.
-Nan asked for prayer to be put rent controlled or possibly section 8 housing. He was thankful for the food.
-Tyler was thankful for the water, socks and a t-shirt.
-Steven was thankful for the socks.
-Ward was thankful for the food and the blanket.
-Our friend Elizabeth took some food and extra shampoo. Asks that we pray that God would meet her needs and that she would get to see her family for Christmas.
-Brian just asked that we pray that the Lord would reveal the path for his life.
-Robert was thankful for the snacks.
-Ruben took some chips.
-Armando was thankful for the food and asked for prayer for healing in his leg.
-Charlene said that her truck was stolen a few weeks ago and is now looking for a way to get to San Diego to be with her nephew. She was thankful for the socks and the blanket.
-John asked for prayer for safety. He was thankful for the food.
-Left a bag for a man sleeping.
-Chuck asked for prayer for provision and protection. Also pray for his sick mother. He was grateful for the food.
-Ant is an artist who sits on a corner. He asked that we pray throughout the week for him as we feel led.
-Leo just had his things stolen. Please pray for his protection, finances, and provision.
-Cece, Brandon, and their dog Bear were thankful for the food. They asked for prayer for finances and for safety in their travels.
-Mark asked for prayer for his health. He has to go back to the doctor on the 5th to find out the results of a blood test. He is a survivor of cancer.
-Jonathan just broke his leg and is in a wheelchair. When asked what he needed prayer for he said that he was praying that our team could push him to his car a few blocks away. Our team was more than happy to do this!