Tweets From The Streets – 03012013


Thank you for loving this city and it’s people!

This week we welcomed 3 new members to the Outreach team to the family! We’re excited to see all that God does in their lives and through them during the next 6 months while they serve our city and its people. This week was also an open outreach – for those who may not be ready for the 6 month commitment, we welcome anyone who’d like to see what we’re all about every first Friday of the month! Join us April 5th if you’d like to be a part of helping people in need and being the hands and feet – we’d love to have you!

Thank you for following our little team and all the big things God is doing on the streets!

Please join us in praying for the people we met and let us know if there is anything you also need pray for.


-Chuck (from Bakersfield, Pray over his life)


-Melissa and John (Prayer for clarity)

-Datrelle (Moved here from Alabama 7 days ago)

-Adolf (He was Angry and didn’t want to talk)

-Oscar (Happy Birthday, Pray for his young daughter Michelle’s health)

-Caleb (On piano from Compton)

-Carl (with beads sitting, He wants Prayer for love to everyone)

-D (He had a hat and cigarette in the middle if the guys)

-Cedric (on piano)

-Asian Man (with hat and beard sitting on the floor)

-Girl (with multi-color hair, maybe high. Said her glucose was messed up.)


-Black man (with tattoo on face and small dreads. Lots of necklaces, mumbling random stuff and Seemed possessed. Pray for his protection and to fill him with the Holy Spirit)

-Ronald (Sitting at the bus stop, he wants us to Pray for everyone on the streets)

-Richard (Sitting down near Pat. Black elderly man with a hat, he was a marine. Gave toothbrush back cause he had no teeth.)


-Christian (money and resources to go home)



-Denise (looking for a job and housing. He is selling crafts)

-Rachel (Prayer for healing)

-Maggie (Pray about her Mother’s kidney)

-Nas and Fez

-Diante and Ray (Prayer for safe travels)

-The traveling bard (Safe travels from Australia)

-Dylan (has been fasting for his friend Justin in treatment, Prayer for safe travels)

-Jacque (and his dog Hoku just got in from Hawaii)

-Art (Wants Prayer for everything in his life)

-Chief (Wants Prayer for healing of bottom of feet from blisters, works at Wolverine)

-Giovanni (Prayer for life)

-Serenity (Prayer for sister Betty  to keep up good work)

-Irene Ramos (Lady with dark sunglasses that donated iron rod)

-Alex (Man selling flowers)

-Ivette (Healing for voice)

-Edgar (Healing for clarity in mind and ears)

-Angelica (Little brother and his Dad)

-Steven (Prayer for himself and his brother in Oakland)

-Nicole (Young with flannel sweater)

-Oscar (Life in general)

-Reaility (Tall oily hair)

-Eric (Tall African-American man)

-Elizabeth (Steady full-time job)

-Appalonnia and little girl (little girl Prayed for mom)

-Dejon (Wanted kool-aid)

-Aaron (wearing red hat, Ron Swift Prayed with him for health)

-Joe (Wanted a gatorade, and a Prayer for general health)