Homeless Outreach Pryer Requests 08.30.13

Thank you, God, for opening such an incredible door in our city for us to love. This past Friday, our Homeless Outreach Team was able to bring hope and love in the name of Jesus to 27 people they met on the street. Please join us in praying for them. If you’d like to join the Homeless Outreach team this coming Friday, it’s an Open Outreach and you’re welcome to attend! Please RSVP here: http://bit.ly/13Wl8M2


Hebrews 6:19 NIV
19 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain


– We met Charles who is homeless and discouraged. He would like us to pray for him that he would have more faith and be a better person.


– We met a married couple, Ben and Sharon. We prayed for Sharon who wants healing for her hearing. We also prayed for provision for a comfortable air mattress. They had to get rid of their old one because of bed bugs.


– We met Kenneth who was pushing a shopping cart. He asked for a general prayer, but also wanted special prayer for safety.


– We met a street pastor, Brother Dave. He had an amazing personality and soul. He didn’t want prayer for anything specific but did want to pray. Please pray for him to continue to win souls for The Lord. He even wanted to bless us with a donation saying, “I don’t have much, but I can give you guys something.” We declined but were by grateful for his heart.


– Our friend Jose is doing a lot better this week compared to the last. He even apologized for being upset last week. He is writing a report tot the government about his concerns for what’s happening with the heat in LA. We prayed for him and also gave him some socks.


– Talked to Jake again this week who loves God and makes positive street signs We bought some ice packs for him to keep him cool and he loved them! He wants to come to Celebrate Recovery on Thursday. Pray that he can make it.


– Elmore asks for prayer for his ex wife, Maria and her daughter. What a heart! He also asked for prayers that work picks up.


– Carmelo asks for prayer for everyone on the streets.


– Please pray for Olga who had a son, Oscar, that passed away five years ago. Pray for healing in the heart.


– Spider-Man and Superman came by to the table for water. They didn’t want prayer though.


– Javier came by the table. He doesn’t speak English.


– A skater named Max came by the table and grabbed some peanut butter. He wanted prayer but for nothing specific.
Deangelo took a bag from us and would like us to be praying for peace on earth.


– Charlie came by the table as we were wrapping up. He took a bag and asked for prayers for his father.


– Dennis is an electic guitar player on the street. He said recognized us from a month ago. He thought it is was great that we do this and was grateful for us


– Leslie took socks and a bag. He was having a hard time keeping his pants up so a member of our team gave him his belt.


 – We ran into Ramir and “GI.” They took resource bags and socks.


– Please pray for Johnnie and Johnny who took many pieces of candy. Pray for their protection, that the Holy Spirit guides them, and that they will find people who will love them.


– Please pray for Brian who gets around on a wheelchair. He’s a believer himself and is also an advocate for human rights. Pray that God provides him with safe shelter and uses him to do amazing things for strength and wisdom.
Pray for Ruthman who took some candy.


– Johnathan walked up to the table and shared that the enemy feeds lies into him feeling guilty. He is struggling to believe in the verse, Jeremiah 29:12. Please pray that God will give him hope, a future, and a wife. Also that he can hold onto God’s promise and wait for The Lord, and that the enemy’s lies will be crushed and truth revealed to him in Jesus name.


– Please pray for Froggy who liked the Jolly Ranchers. Pray that God blesses him and brings him provision and clarity in his life.