Street Prayer Requests 11.29.13

Hello awesome people! This week our team set out the day after Thanksgiving to bless those on the streets. Your continued prayers are needed and welcome especially as the weather turns colder and the holiday season moves in. Below are specific requests but please also be praying for the peace, presence, provision, and joy of God to overflow in each of their lives.

 Philippians 4:6-7

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

 -“Chief was really thankful for the blanket

 -Tay was just passing through and was very thankful for the food.

 -Alex took some food and was really interested in possibly serving at the church.

 -Javier and Jacob took some snacks.

 -‘Jaybereal’ and ‘Music King’ have visited Oasis before and were happy to see us on the street.

 -Amy and Justin were thankful for the food.

 -Elizabeth asked for prayer for a job and provision. Was really thankful that we were out on the street even though it was a holiday weekend.

 -Alex took a few snacks from the table.

 -Nick was thankful for the food and was really excited about the socks.

 -Kee took some food and asked for prayer for everything. He was really thankful for the Bible that our team gifted him with.

 -Elizabeth and Eli asked for prayer for Eli’s mom. She needs a job as well as healing from arthritis. They also asked for prayer for jobs for themselves.

 -Michael was thankful for the food and the socks.

 -Julian was just passing through and was thankful for the blanket.

 -Our friends Tony and Rachel were thankful for the food. They asked for prayers for safe travels as they are heading back to Kansas City next week.

 -Our friend Jake was sleeping so we left him some food.

 -Patrick was really grateful for the food.

 -Our team left food for 3 sleeping people.

 -Oscar and his three kids took some waters.

 -Levi and Stephan took some food. They asked for prayers for a place to stay and that the will of Jesus be fulfilled in their lives.

 -Jimmy took some food and asked for prayers that he will be able stay off drugs and will be able to find a church.

 -Continue to pray for our friend Jose and his family in Peru.

 -Anthony asked for prayer for a job he may have in Seattle and to be able to get off the streets. He was also very thankful for the food.

 -Theresa and her two daughters, Ruby and Rose were very thankful for the food and the socks. Please pray for provision and a home.

 -Grear asked for prayer that he will be able to find bottles for recycling. He was drinking something from a cup out of the trash so we gave him a bottle of water.

 -Left a couple of bags for 2 sleeping people and their dog.

 -Julian and Angel were thankful for the food, socks, and the prayers. Please pray for them throughout the week.

 -William was really thankful for the food.

 -Eddie and Kelly were thankful for the food. Kelly gave us hugs immediately and we prayed for the healing of her leg that she just had surgery on. She told us that she cannot go into detox from alcohol until it is healed.

 Thanks again for all the prayers! Love you all!

Street Prayer Requests 11.22.13

Hey everyone! Thank you so much for taking the time to pray with and for our team and everyone that we meet on the streets each week. Please be saying extra prayers during the holiday season as it is a very difficult time for many people especially those that are away from their families and living on the streets. I pray that each of you reading this has a very blessed holiday! Thanks again for your prayers!

 Psalm 4:1

Answer me when I call to you, O my righteous God. Give me relief from my distress; be mercifulto me and hear my prayer.

-William was outside the church and asked for a blanket. He was just released from jail. He asks for prayer for a good girl to settle down with and a steady place to live. He also asks that we pray that he doesn’t fall back into his old ways

 -James said that one of our team had already bought him a meal and prayed for him. It was a blessing to him because he hadn’t had that type of food in 2 years.

 -Our friend Jake was opening doors for people at a store but was told by a guard that he had to stop. We prayed for blessings for Jake because he really wants to pass out toys for Christmas. We also prayed that God would soften the heart of the guard.

 -A very sweet man named Robert was looking for things to recycle. He asked for prayer for a good move from housing to an apartment program that he applied for. We invited him to church.

 -Dion was wrapped in a blanket. We gave him some food and he asked that we just keep him in prayers throughout the week.

 -Tommy, a street pastor, was thankful for the food. We prayer for his ministry and he prayed for ours.

 -Anthony took some food and asked that we pray for him to find housing.

 -Our friend Jose asked that we continue to pray for his family.

 -Will took some food and asked for prayer for his friends and family.

 -Casey was thankful for the food and asked that we pray for him to find a place to live and also for the call into ministry that he feels is on his life. He also asked for prayer for his friends.

 -Tamika wasn’t homeless but she likes to hang out with some of the homeless. She plays the guitar and sings. She is trying to make some money to attend college in Ohio. We prayed for her to be able to get the finances that she needs and that she will be focused and able to complete school when she gets there.

 -A man with tattoos asked for prayer for good health.

 -Robert was thankful for the food.

 -Our friend Mike asked that we pray for our team and that we can continue to serve the people on the streets.

 -Stopped by our friend Tony and gave him and his girlfriend some food. He asked for prayer for his trip back to Kansas City and that his family can forgive him.

 -James Dennis joined in on our team praying out before going onto the streets.

 -Sheron prayed for our team

 -Frank and Adam asked for prayer for safe travels and for protection.

 -Nan asked for prayer to be put rent controlled or possibly section 8 housing. He was thankful for the food.

 -Tyler was thankful for the water, socks and a t-shirt.

 -Steven was thankful for the socks.

 -Ward was thankful for the food and the blanket.

 -Our friend Elizabeth took some food and extra shampoo. Asks that we pray that God would meet her needs and that she would get to see her family for Christmas.

 -Brian just asked that we pray that the Lord would reveal the path for his life.

 -Robert was thankful for the snacks.

 -Ruben took some chips.

 -Armando was thankful for the food and asked for prayer for healing in his leg.

 -Charlene said that her truck was stolen a few weeks ago and is now looking for a way to get to San Diego to be with her nephew. She was thankful for the socks and the blanket.

 -John asked for prayer for safety. He was thankful for the food.

 -Left a bag for a man sleeping.

 -Chuck asked for prayer for provision and protection.  Also pray for his sick mother. He was grateful for the food.

 -Ant is an artist who sits on a corner. He asked that we pray throughout the week for him as we feel led.

 -Leo just had his things stolen. Please pray for his protection, finances, and provision.

 -Cece, Brandon, and their dog Bear were thankful for the food. They asked for prayer for finances and for safety in their travels.

 -Mark asked for prayer for his health. He has to go back to the doctor on the 5th to find out the results of a blood test. He is a survivor of cancer.

 -Jonathan just broke his leg and is in a wheelchair. When asked what he needed prayer for he said that he was praying that our team could push him to his car a few blocks away. Our team was more than happy to do this!

Homeless Outreach Prayer Requests 11.15.13

Street Prayers


 Hello again everyone! I want to thank each of you for your continued prayers for our team and for the people that we come in contact with on the streets every week. I encourage you to keep praying for each of them, especially during the upcoming holiday season. Below are some of the ways that you can be praying for them personally.

 Galations 6:9

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

 -Bryan took food and socks and asked for prayer for world peace, serenity and wisdom.

 -Frank took water socks and food and asked for prayer for world peace, serenity, and wisdom.

 -A man with leather jacket was passed out so we sat a bottle of water next to him. He got up and started stumbling towards the street.

 -Met a young lady named Holly. We gave her a treasures bag and she immediately started putting the jewelry on.

 -Serg is from Russia and he has been on the streets for three months. He was grateful for the food.

 -Jose took some food and asked for continued prayers for his parents in Peru.

 -Jake took some food and water and asked for prayer for blessings and miracles for others and not just himself.

 -Larry is from Chicago was thankful for the food and socks. He requested prayer for his health and finances.

 -Mike asked for an MRE. We didn’t have any in our packs but one of our team had one in their car so we took it back to him. He was happy.

 -Dale asked for prayer for his health and overall well-being.

 -Mike asked for prayer for a mailbox and was thankful for the food.

 -John came to the table and took a few things. Pray for his safety on the streets.

 -“Captain America” asked for prayer for financial provision.

 -Hector took some toothpaste.

 -Malcolm was really thankful for the food and asked for prayer for his well-being.

 -Jenny stopped to ask us for details about the bus but ended up asking what we were doing. She asked us to pray for her, as we feel led.

 -Elizabeth asked for prayer for employment.

 -Syndal and her daughters Serenity, Tiffany, and Veronica (and her husband) are stranded in Hollywood. We prayed that she would get her car running again and that God would give them the provision to get back home to Fresno.

 -Steve is staying in a motel and asked for prayer throughout the week for his finances. He was thankful for the food.

 -Andre is a musician who was preparing for a show later this month. He was thankful for the food and asked for prayer for his protection and that good people would surround him.

 -Carlos received some food.

-Angel took some food and asked for information about Celebrate Recovery.

 -Suede was given some food and asked for prayer to find housing.

 -Moses and Elizabeth were thankful for the food. They asked for prayer for the people in the Philippines and for Elizabeth’s health and peace.

 -We met David on the way to the parking garage near the church. He was thankful for the food and asked for prayer for housing. He said that he has been on the list for housing since February, but has not received any assistance.

 -Devion asked for prayer to be delivered from sexual temptation.

 -Brian took food and asked for prayer for it not to rain.

 -Richard seemed mesmerized by the fact that our team spoke to him. He was thankful for the food and the socks.

 -Gabriel was sleeping and our team was just going to leave a bag for him when he woke up. He just got out of a nursing home and is living on the streets until he can get his SSI check. He was thankful for the food and the blanket. Pray for provision, safety, and a place to live.

 -Lester was thankful for the food and water. He asked us to pray for him throughout the week as we feel led. He has been going to a local church so please pray that he stays planted.

 -A gentleman from Africa was thankful for the food and water and asked that we pray for the provision for him to get back home.

 -Henry was asleep when we walked up and we were just going to leave a bag. He was really thankful for the food and asked for prayer for his family. He asked us not to forget to pray for him as we left and we assured him that he would definitely in our prayers.

Thanks again for your continued prayers and support of our team! We love you!

Homeless Outreach Prayer Requests 11.8.13

Street Prayer Requests


 Our team was busy this week and was able to reach out and bless 47 people on the streets of Hollywood. We met new faces and familiar ones. Most of the stories that we hear each week are heartbreaking but we serve a God who is faithful!!

 Psalm 100:4-5

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.

 -Tony was sleeping so we left a bag for him. We didn’t see Rachel who is usually with him. Please pray for their safety.

 -Our friend Mike flagged us down when he saw us. Please pray that income opportunities come his way and that his spirits will stay high.

 -Teresa and her 2 daughters asked for prayer for a place to stay and that she will be able to serve in the capacity that God has purposed for her. We gave them each a blanket. They have been able to stay in hotels about every other night.

 -John is a veteran who has a place to stay. He asked that we just say prayers for him throughout the week.

 -Angel and Antonio need prayers for safety while they are on the streets.

 -Anthony was thankful for the food and asked us to pray for Hollywood to make good movies.

 -Heaven asked that we pray for the continued health of herself and her boyfriend.

 -Moses asked if we could help Angel and her girls find a place to stay. We gave him a list of shelters and food banks in the area.

 -Natasha and David were extremely grateful for the food. Natasha asked for prayer for her parents. They both seemed very interested in attending church.

 -Malcolm took some food and a few other items from the table. He asked for prayers to stay safe while he is on the street and for the provision to get off the street.

 -Elizabeth took a bag of food and some extra shampoo for her hair. She showed us how the shampoo is helping her hair.

 -Eddie was in a wheelchair and didn’t have a place to put a bag of food. Our team prayed with him and gave him some socks and a few hygiene items that he could carry.

 -Kevin was thankful for the bottle of water.

 -Chelsea and Junior asked for prayers to get off the streets.

 -Bobby came from Columbus to help his mom and is thankful that her health has improved. Our team prayed for him. Please keep him and his mother in prayer.

 -Raymond was thankful for the snacks.

 -“Jewel Diamond” and Raymond just took some snacks.

 -Etubey took some food and a card with the church info on it. Pray that he comes to church soon.

 -Darren was sitting on the corner and flagged our team down as we were headed back to church. He was extremely grateful for the food. Pray that he finds shelter.

 -Derrick had a praise of just getting out of prison and that God kept him safe during his time. He asked for prayer for provision and some shoes. Our team gave him food and socks.

 -Reno, Holly, and their new baby Daniel asked for prayers for provision. They were supposed to come Sunday to pick up some baby supplies.

 -Tony was intoxicated and asked for any info we had for a rehab. Please pray for his recovery, his safety, and his salvation.

 -Eden took some food and asked for prayer for her sore throat.

 -Greg has been in our country for three months. He took a bag of chips and was curious to what we were doing.

 -Terry took some food and asked for prayer to find a home and a spouse. He also asked that we pray for Jeffery who is in a wheelchair. Please pray for healing and provision for both.

 -Jake was having a bad week. Someone stole his phone and he had a friend turn on him. Please pray for protection and healing. He was feeling better after talking to our team.

 -Pat is feeling much better. Continued prayer for healing.

 -Dennis, who was playing a harmonica, asked for prayer for his leg.

 -Jose asked for prayer for his family and for his safety. He says that he is doing well but is very tired. Please also pray for rest.

 -Holly was given food and a treasures bag. Our team prayed for her to find work, peace, and for families to be reunited.

 -Bruce was digging through the trash. He was grateful for the water and he asked for prayer for world peace.

 -Chief and Bryan were thankful for the food.

 -Anthony has been sober for 40 days. He was thankful for the food and asked that we pray for his continued sobriety.

 -Our team left bags for 4 people sleeping.

 -Robert was thankful for the food.

 -An older man didn’t want any food. He said that he is a Christian and he thanked us for what we are doing. He was digging in the trash for recyclables for extra cash. Please pray for provision.

 Thanks so much for being prayer warriors!

Homeless Outreach Prayer Requests 11.1.13

This week was open outreach and we had some amazing people join our team on the streets of Hollywood. We met up, prayed with, and gave food to 25 people here are some of the things that you can be praying for this week!

 2 Chronicles 7:14

if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

 -Liam was grateful for the food.

 -Adrian and “Slick Rick” were grateful for the food and water.

 -William was waiting for the bus and took some food.

 -Alfredo asks for prayer to get closer to God. He was grateful for the food.

 -Christina attends our church. Please pray that she will be released from a mental illness that prevents her from enjoying life. Also pray for her son, Zenith, who was taken away by CPS.

 -Javier was thankful for what we do and took some food.

 -Johnny asked for prayer for his finances and that he will be able to get a job. He says that he travels between here and San Diego trying to make money. He was thankful for the food.

 -Julie, Scott, and their dog Lumpy took some food. They were very grateful and prayed for our team and what we are doing.

 -Donovan asked for prayer for his health. He has been in and out of shelters. Our team gave him food and prayed for him.

 -Mike took some food and socks.

 -Thomas was walking with the aid of a walker. He took some food and a blanket and asked that we pray for healing for his foot as he may lose it.

 -Theo asked that God would continue to work in his heart and that he will learn to trust and surrender to God.

 -Destiny asked for physical and spiritual healing. She was grateful for prayer.

 -Nathan is a believer in Jesus and was thankful for what we are doing.  Our team prayed for him to find work and asked about helping out on our team. Also pray that his faith will be strengthened and that he will continue to seek the face of God.

 -Eduardo, a valet, was very gracious to let our team park for a minute and allowed our team to serve someone on the street.

 -Eclipse was grateful for the food. Please pray for him as he feels that he is at a really low point in his life.

 -Rachel and Tony were grateful to see us again and for the food and socks. They may have a place to live in the near future.

 -Jose is waiting to hear back for a construction job. Asked for prayer for his family.

 -Left a bag of food for a man who was sleeping.

 -Latonya was thankful for the food. She asked for prayer that she would find shelter.

 -Rico, his wife, and their daughter were in very high spirits and were eager for the prayers of our team. Please pray that they find a home for their family. Our team invited them to church and told them about our food pantry.

 -Elizabeth asked for prayer to find a steady job. She was thankful for the extra packs of shampoo.

 Thanks everyone for the prayers! They are making a difference!

Homeless Outreach Prayer Requests 10.23.2013

This Friday our team took the streets for our annual Halloween outreach. We welcomed back veterans of our team and we packed 460 bags of candy and food to hand out on the streets of Hollywood. Our team came together in amazing ways to get this done and we were able to bless many homeless and tourists alike. Below are some of the requests from this week:

 1 John 5:14-15

And this is the confidence, which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests, which we have asked from Him.

 – Malcolm came to us with the praise report that the leg that we prayed for last week has been healed! He was very thankful to see us again and he asked us to pray for safety.

 – Batman thanked us for what we are doing.

 – Armando asked for prayer for his leg and also for protection.

 – “Clownolyn Monroe” was thankful for the bag of goodies

 – Tomas was grateful for the candy and our generosity.

 – Ronnie was thankful for the candy.

 – Tyrone was happy to see us out on the streets

 – Brian took a bag of food and asked for prayer for health and safety.

 – Elian asked for strength to get his life back together.

 – Larry asked for prayer for everything.

 – A couple from St. Luis flagged us down to ask us about what we do.

 – Ricardo really brightened up after receiving a bag of candy.

 – Elizabeth asked for prayer for a friend.

 – Don asked us to pray that he doesn’t end up in prison and that he can keep doing the right thing.

 – Fiona asks for prayer for recovery.

 – Yaroo, from Slovakia, asked us to pray for a place for him to stay and also for safe travel. Our team invited him to church.

 – Sage asked for us to pray for his well being and safety.

 – Gabriel asked for prayer for his safety.

 – Lamanda asked us to pray for her mother who is suffering from ovarian cancer. She also asked for prayer to find a place to live for her and her son.

 – Aiden and Tyrone asked that God would continue to use them where they are needed. Tyrone also asked for prayer for his father to be healed and to have a full recovery.

 – Adrien has just came back to God and gave up drinking. Please pray for his continued sobriety and that he will come to church. He was thankful for the bag a chips.

 – Lloyd says he gave up dope a few days ago. Pray for his continued sobriety and that he comes to church.

 – Emmanuel said that he loves God and asks for prayer himself to be focused on taking care of himself and his life because he has been in relationships since he was 16.

 – Taylor describes himself as agnostic but goes to another local church. He asked for prayer for his mental health. He wants clarification to whether or not he should be taking his meds.

 – Arnold was thankful for the bag of candy.

 – Jason asked for prayer for direction.

 – Matt, a musician, asked for prayer for protection.

 – Rachel and Tony appreciated the food and socks.

 – Mike was thankful for having the bare essentials and asked prayer for a better tomorrow.

 – Angel asked for prayer for provision, and a wife, family and home in the future. He is currently waiting for some finances to come in.

 – Holy wanted prayer for love, justice, and peace.

 – Giovanni’s birthday is next week. He was thrilled for the candy and asked for prayer for safekeeping. Was also thankful for the food.

 – DeAngelo and DeAndre asked for candy and some food.

 – Max and Omar are two Marines traveling stopped us to thank us for what we do. They appreciated the candy.

 – Jerry was thankful for the food.

 – Will, one of the bikers, chatted with us about being sober for 33 years. Please pray that he comes to a service soon.

 – Suede was super excited to see us.

 – Eddie, in the wheelchair, was alert tonight. He was happy for the candy and the food.

 – Keith was thankful for the candy and the food. Asked for prayer for friend Ariel. Says that she’s battling some spiritual things and needs protection.

 – Chris was super excited for the socks and the candy. Asked for prayer for direction.

 – Raji asked for prayer for a better situation. Was grateful for the food and socks. Was eager to find a place to sit down and eat.

 – Kelly was greatly appreciative for the socks.

 – Brought joy to a guard at one of the restaurants when we handed him a bag of candy.

 – Seven was thankful for the candy. Loved that we offered prayer and asked that we pray for his health, success, and family.

 – Kent was thankful for the water. Our team prayed for healing in his body and he asked for prayer to get back to his family in Illinois.

 – Gave food and a treasures bag to two ladies on the street that were arguing. The treasures bag diffused the situation.

 – Johnny took a bag of candy and asked for prayer for his financial situation and his life in general.

 – Murphy asked for prayer for his success and the current situation that our city is in.

 – Javier asked for prayer for his safety because he believes that there are people who want to harm him.

 – Lola was grateful for the bag and asked for prayer for her lost cat.

– John approached our team and asked for prayer for his safety on the streets.

 – Holly asked for prayer for her husband, Reno’s, finances. He has a job but it isn’t making enough money to support his wife and new baby. They both asked for prayer.

 – Bill asked for prayer for safety.

 – Eric thanked us for what we are doing and asked for prayer for his sister who is in and out of the hospital.

 We appreciate the prayers! Love you all!!

Homeless Outreach Prayer Requests 10.18.13

This past Friday, our Team was led by the amazing new Director of Homeless Outreach, Stacy Allen! She did an awesome job leading our small, but mighty team out onto the streets of Hollywood. With nearly 2/3 of the veteran team out sick or blessed to be attending the Hillsong conference (how awesome were Pastors Houston and Lentz?!?) the Rookies held their own on the streets!Our team met up with a lot of familiar faces but also many new ones. We appreciate the prayers that go up for our team and each of the people that we meet. Here are the prayers of the 42 people they met this week:

Whoever oppresses a poor man insults his Maker, but he wh is generous to the needy honors him.

Proverbs 14:31

Chelsea and Junior were very thankful for the food. Prayed for them to get into a hotel for the night. Please pray for them to find a home.

Malcolm: Our team prayed for a pulled muscle in his leg. He is in a lot of pain and it is difficult for him to walk

Elizabeth wants money for shoes. She was very excited for the food.

Bruce was grateful to take a bottle that we were throwing away. He gets money for them and was happy to be blessed with it.

Andrew asked for prayer for his mother. Was grateful for the food.

Dennis asked for prayer for his mother, father, and family. Said he wanted to go to heaven to see his mother. Please pray for his state of mind.

Chief, who is often combative with us, was grateful for the food we gave. him. Thank you for opening his heart, God!

Heaven took some food and asked for prayer for her boyfriend who is in jail.

Armando asked for socks and took some food. Asked for prayer that his identity would be restored because someone has stolen his identity.

John took some food and asked us to pray that things continue to go well.

Naan was grateful for the food and asked us to pray that his landlord would not raise his rent.

Mohammed stated that he was a Muslim but took some information for our church. Asked us to pray that others would not need things from the world, but that they would allow God to provide. He was thankful for the food.

Carl and his two daughters came. Carl has a broken leg. Our team prayed for healing in his leg and he also asked for general prayers. He was thankful for the toothpaste.

Javier was grateful for the water.

Angel took some food. Please pray he is full in the Spirit and with food!

Mike was thankful for the food. Asked for general prayers.

Anthony and Rachel were thankful for the food. They asked for prayer to get out of Los Angeles and back home.

Jake was his usual jolly self and took some food. He asked for prayer for protection.

Will was thankful for the food.

Jose seemed a bit ill tonight so the team prayed for healing and gave him some food and water.

Dave took some food and some info about our church. Please pray we see him soon.

Keisha is three months pregnant and feels lost. Please pray for her unborn child and for her to find the path that God has for her.

Mark asked for prayer to get a job and to get off the streets. He also asks for prayer for his family in Colorado to reach out. Mark is thankful that God healed him of cancer but he fears that it may come back. He asks for prayer that the fear would be gone.

Lee wants prayer to have a better year in 2014.

KC, Chris, Abadan, and Desi were all thankful for the bags of food and water.

Chris, Davain, and Gloria were each thankful for the bag of food and felt very blessed to have found us.

Giovanni received a bag of food and asked for his mother’s heart to be healed and also asked that he can conquer whatever is facing him.

Moses took some food and asked us to pray for world peace and that the people of the world would be blessed. He also asked for prayer for our rainforests.

Ernie, Rashad, and Josh took food. Please pray for their safe keeping.

Candy and Tom were thankful for the bag of food.

Thanks for being diligent with the prayers family! Its making a difference in the lives of so many!

Homeless Outreach Prayer Requests 10.11.13

This past Friday, the Homeless Outreach Team hit the streets of Hollywood and were able to love on those without food or shelter. Here are the prayers and stories of those they met:

Matthew 25:37-40 

“Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a strangerand invite you inm or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ The King will reply, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters, you did for me.’

– Xavier asked for prayer for a place to live and healing in his ankles.

– Forks, Jennifer, and “D” asked for prayer for safe travels as they pass through Los Angeles.

– Robert was grateful for the bag of food and asked for prayer to have better days and also asked for safety for his family.

– Isaac asked for prayer for a way to get back home to his mother in Philadelphia and for provision. He was grateful for the bag of food and hygiene items.

– Johnny in the cool glasses was thankful for the resource bag and asked us to pray for his whole body specifically on Wednesday.

– Brian took a bag and asked for prayer for safe travels back to Chicago.

– Clay was grateful for the bag of food and was thankful for the chat.

– A street band – Herla, Josh, and Erasmo – graced us with one of their original songs. We invited them to church. please pray they come and share their talents for God’s glory.

– There was a man sleeping outside a restaurant, so we left him a bag to bless him when he wakes up.

– Alex and Cricket were thankful for the food and hygiene items and asked for prayer for their health and protection while they’re on the streets.

– Our sweet friend Elizabeth asked for prayer for peace and protection.

– Bart and David both took bags of food and needed prayer for God’s protection and provision.

– Nate didn’t want prayer today but was thankful for the bag of food.

– Melvina blessed us with a song and she took a card for Celebrate Recovery. Please pray that we see her there soon.

– Frank asked for prayer for guidance.

– Craig and Manuel are Christian street rappers and they asked for blessing and protection.

– Roe asked that we pray for a breakthrough in her life.

– The man dressed as Elmo asked that we pray for his heart to be more centered on Christ.

– Officer N asked about our table and the ministry that we have in Hollywood. Thank you God for their protection, kindness and interest in what we do and for keeping us and those we serve safe!

– A father of 5 children took a resource bag. Pray that God will give him guidance and that he can get his family into church.

– The costumed characters, Chucky and the Bride of Chucky asked that we pray for protection on the streets and especially during the Halloween season.

– Malcolm wanted a resource bag and prayer. Told the team that his spirit was lifted and thanked us for the blessing.

– D’Angelo was thankful for the bag of food and gave us a great smile.

– Our buddy Moses only wanted water, but took the bag of food to bless others. He asked for prayer for world peace.

– Chris did not want a bag of food, but asked for prayer for better luck.

– Angel and Charlie recognized the green shirts and asked for prayer and some resources. Angel was very thankful for an answer to prayer: a jacket that he picked up at our table last week. So thankful to be a part of God’s blessing!

– Aaron was grateful for the food we gave him. Please pray he opens up more if we get to see him again.

– It’s always great to see our friend, Green Tea! He was especially thankful for socks this week.

– Mia asked for money, but we only offer food. She was thankful for that and did a spoken word for us. She asked that we pray for a cheeseburger!

– Dwayne is a believer in God and was thankful for the bag of food. He asked for prayer for grace, mercy, and protection.

– Bedi was grateful for the resources and just asked for general prayer.

– Danny wanted us to pray for peace in our world and thanked us for what we are doing.

– Nathan was thankful for the socks and the food and said he he prays for himself daily.

– We love seeing Jake! He was his usual jovial self, dressed as an angel and opening the door for people going into the store he was in front of. He asked for blessing for everyone during the upcoming holiday season.

– Our friend Mike was asleep by the time we got to him this week so we let him a bag. Please be praying for his spirit and that we get to chat with him next week.

– Rachel and Anthony were in their sleeping bags and thanked us for the bags of food we gave them. They asked us for prayer for shelter.

Thank you for praying with us, family!!!

Homeless Outreach Prayer Requests 10.04.13

This past Friday 46 people were a part of the Homeless Outreach Team and gathered in the name of Jesus to be His hands and feet while serving the hurting on the streets of Hollywood. Below are the prayer requests and stories of the 64 people they met. Please join us in praying for those on the street, the Outreach team and our city.

(Micah 6:8 MSG)
But he’s already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women. It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don’t take yourself too seriously— take God seriously.

– We met Megan who came to Oasis looking for shelter. We were able to direct her to 211 for available shelters, give her food and pray with her. She came to two services this Sunday and recieved more pray. Please pray that we see her again.

– Our friend Green Tea introduced us to his buddy “Green Lantern”. Green Tea asked us to continue praying that he can get back Alabama. Green Lantern asked that we pray for healing overmthe left side of his body. Both were grateful for resource bags.

– We met with Greeno who took a bag of food and said he’s not homeless, but he just lost his job and would like prayer for  a job.

– Such mercy and grace God extended to one of our teams who was pulled over for going over the speed limit. The team spent 10 minutes praying for the officers, their families, their finances and that they felt a blessing on them that they pulled over a cooperative car. When the officer returned, they let the team go without a ticket. God is so, so merciful and kind beyond what we deserve.

– Milo and Nancy came to the table for prayer. Nancy’s grandson is autistic and having trouble  with getting into good structured schools in Washington.

– Graham was struggling with his friends not being authentic with him and asked that we pray that his friends would treat him with respect and that they could come to understand one another.

– Barbara was walking the side streets feeding homeless kitties and asked that we pray for them.

– Angel asked us to pray for him about everything and for his son. He believes in God and said that Jesus is always at the door of our hearts. Initially accepted a bag, but gave it back saying that he felt someone else would need it more.

– Carl, who was in a wheelchair, asked that we pray for a job for him.

– Adrian and Jason were laying on the groundin front of a restaurant and didn’t want a prayer, but thanked us for food and kindness.

– Bobby was thankful for the bag of food we gave him.

– Truth and Angel stopped us when they saw our green shirts. They were very appreciative for food and they shared such positivity with our team.

– We met Curly, Munchies and Chris standing in front of the white wall. They all took a bag. This was Curly and Munchies first time traveling to the US.

– Joshua and Joe asked for prayer over everything in their lives.

– We met Robert who took a bag of food and said that he’ll be praying for  us.

– Mike was thankful for a bag of food, but asked that we pray for a bus ticket for him.

– Michael had us pray for his safety and protection. He took a bag of food and thanked us profusely.

– We met with Bobbie and Florida who asked that we pray that they can find a home.

– Ola wanted prayer for wisdom.

– Kenneth asked that we pray for his salvation.

– Malcom  had us pray for his well being.

– Michael, in the red shirt with a diamond cheek piercing, asked us to pray for wisdom, knowledge, grace, and understanding

– Teressa and Ruby had us pray for them that the Spirit would lead them throughout the week to lead them back to Australia.

– Bernice, Janessa, Dana, Jasmine, and Patrice were all thankful for snack. They’re teenage girls that said “God bless you for what you do”. What a blessing.

– Pat wanted prayer for peace. He wants to be in his daughters life and hopes that his daughters mother will stop blocking their relationship.

– Jake, a Christian Rap artist, would like us to pray for the removal of the demons that are haunting him. During our chat, he asked who Jesus was and was happy that we reminded him. He said that Jesus is the center of his life .

– Elizabeth, in a wheelchair Praying for a job and a good home She wants to pray for everyone to get a job Doesn’t want to live where she is not loved or with a man or people who do not love. She remembered the Oasis Team

– There was a sleeping man we handed a bag to and prayed over.

– Ray was very grateful for a resource bag and asked if we were Christian or Catholic.

– Our friend Jake has been painting new pieces and is doing the farmers market on Sunday. We suggested he join us for the 6pm service and prayed for blessings and healing and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in his life.

– We prayed with Luke for growth, residency, and to stay healthy.

– Desi didn’t want any prayer for herself, but asked that we diligently pray for her friend Luke.

– Our friend Destiny came up to us to share a praise reports that she has been staying at a PATH shelter for about a week. She is having trouble forgiving her mother for something she did to her during her childhood. Her schizophrenia makes her hear her mom in her head and we prayed to silence any voices that don’t come from God.

– We met two girls and a guy who were waiting for an event to start, but stopped us to find out why there were so many green shirts on the street and what we were doing. Please pray that they join us for a service!

– We met a man who was walking with some bags and a cart, but he didn’t want anything and said others would want it more.

– There was a man taking a rest on the bank steps and he thanked us for what we do. as we walked by

– Praise report – our friend Jose he was happy to see us and excited to tell us that he got a construction job starting next month. He has a doctors appointment next week to pass a physical for the opportunity. We prayed for that and for his family.

– We met Ron, wo was a very shy guy. We gave him a resource bag and a shirt. He was very happy!

– Naan had us pray that his rent would stop increasing.

– Candy came to the table for a bottled water.

– Robin hadn’t eaten in days and is pregnant. She took two resource bags and we prayed for her health and the health of her baby.

– Brock had us pray for his health and well being.

– Damien wanted us to pray for him to help him spread peace and love throughout the world.

– Edward asked for general prayer.

– Giovanni and D’Andre came to the table and we prayed for Giovanni’s mom. As always, they were very thankful for food.

– Malcom asked us to pray for his well being and was very thankful that we gave him food.

– Martin received food and prayer for his prostate cancer to not return and for a place to live.

– “Abadon” is a quiet soul who wanted general prayer. He was very dirty and appeared to have been on the streets a while, but this was our first time meeting him and thankfully he was receptive to us.

– Raven did not want prayer, but was grateful for the resource bag.

– Dirk was playing the guitar and received a resource bag, but was somewhat confrontational and appeared to be intoxicated.

– Padre didn’t want prayer or food, but accepted water.

– Timothy & Josiah, did not need anything and are here on a mission from North Carolina. They came here to preach and witness. They were very interested and excited to hear about Oasis. Pray they come to a service on Sunday.

Homeless Outreach Prayer Requests 09.26.13

This past Friday the Homeless Outreach Team graduated 5 new MEN to the team! It’s an incredible gift to see so many men lead and serve in a radical way for Jesus. Their example inspires and heals the hearts of many on the streets and in our community. With a smaller team on the streets as leaders stayed behind to train up the “rookie” crew, the team was small, but mighty with God’s grace and favor.

1 Corinthians 16:13-14 ESV

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.

This Friday, October 4th, is another First Friday, which means everyone is welcome to join the Homeless Outreach Team on the streets. Please RSVP here if you’d like to serve:

Please join us in prayer for the people the team met this past Friday:

THANK YOU, GOD for the bouncer at the strip club! He stopped us on the street and asked if we were praying for people. When we said yes, he introduced us to a dancer named Jayna who is 11 weeks pregnant and asked that we pray for a healthy pregnancy. We gave her a Treasures bag and were so humbled to be a part of her moment with Christ.

– Please pray for Kyle who was so grateful fo water. May God protect him and refresh him.

– Our friend Moses is always so happy to see us. It brings us joy to see him and it’s such an honor to pray with him for world peace and love on the streets of Hollywood.

– Thank you God for the constant blessing that is the workers at the Gap. They have provided so many supplies and resources for us in a pinch. Please pray fr our friend Terrance who was especilly helpful, generous and kind this past week. We love how you work through so many people to reach your children, God!

– John asked us for pryer that he would stay out of trouble and was exceedingly thankful for the resource bag we gave him.

– Robert was sitting on a bus bench and stopped us to ask for food. God, please be with him and help him through his struggles.

– Dusty and John asked us to pray for their protection and that they could avoid trouble. God, please keep them safe and guide their decisions.

– Matt and Jay were so thankful for resource bags and asked that we keep them in prayer throughout the week.

– Our friend Eden asked us to pray for her throat and that her cold would clear up.

– Will took a resource bag and asked that we pray for clarity and guidance in his life.

– Paul asked for general prayer and was thankful for the food we gave him.

– Destiny is such a blessing! She is always so happy and excited to see us. She asked that we pray for her continued sobriety and that she can remain mentally healthy. She struggles with her schizophrenia and we ask that God will give her healing and breakthrough.

– Clarence had a stroke and it paralyzed his left side. He asked that we pray over him for healing and that he will once again have use of his body to the fullest.

– God bless and be with our friend Mike who continues to humble us with his care and generosity toward those around him. He was thankful for the bag of food we gave him, but reminded us that there are others a couple blocks away that are more in need than he is. God, give us his humility and help us to be more like Jesus with every person we serve.

– Bryan was skeptical of us, but thanked us for the bag.

– Rachel asked us to pray for her safety as well as her father’s, who is also living on the street.

– Brad and Jeff stopped to ask about the church and what we were doing. God, please give them the heart to check out a service and to be generous with their kindness on the streets.

– Jay Jay and Ganesha stopped by for some snacks and were afrid at first, but then asked for prayer when we told them it was completely optional. They thanked us for food and asked that we pry for their hearts to be open and for guidance in their lives.

– Please pray for one of our Youth who visited the table with his wrist band on. God, whatever lead him away from Your voice and Spirit, we pray that you are working in him and sheparding him back to You and the power of Friday nights.

– Jenni and TK came to the table for food and thanked us for always being there. Please pray for their safety and comfort.

– Francine is the sweetest woman with a cheerful spirit and was thankful for food. She asked that we pray for her well being and that people would stop randomnly pushing her wheel chair while she’s navigating the street.

– We hadn’t seen Liz in a while, but she visited us at the table with her brand new red wig on! She didn’t want a bag of food, but was thankful for the snacks on the table.

– Derrick was so thankful for the resource bag. He said that the MRE we gave him last time really carried him through the week. Please pray that his hunger for Christ grows while his body stays nourished.

– Staz was really excited about being high and wanted prayer, but felt it would be disrespectful to God to pray while high. He was thankful that we offered it to him, though.

– Jasmin asked us to pray that she can finish school and do well so that she ends up succesful.

– “MP” came by the table for socks and was super grateful!

– Tanya was very shy in approcahing the table, but was incredibly curious. She was excited to hear that we’re out every week and thanked us for how we serve the city. Please pray that we see her at a service and that one day she shares and outreach testimony with us all!

– Tyler was very out of it, but incredibly thankful for socks.

– Johnny told us he is a Christian and was an orphan. He’s been on the streets for years. He recently met a woman, Maggie, who is also a Christian and living on the streets. He asked that we pray for God’s will in their relationship!

– Naan was so excited to see that we had toothpaste!